It seems to me that we all know someone who has been affected by breast cancer these days. Co-workers, family members, neighborhood friends–it’s far too common. In those times when we hear of a loved one’s new diagnosis, we want to be helpful, do something kind and thoughtful.
That’s where the tutorial for the mastectomy pillow came in. I thought it would be a good project for those like myself who know people diagnosed with breast cancer and can sew. We did this a couple years ago for Sew Together Tuesday and since then many have reached out to say that they made one for a friend or family member.
But recently a viewer reached out to let me know that she’d made more than one mastectomy pillow. In fact, she made 52 of them!

Jennifer Roney is a breast cancer survivor and while she signed up to participate in the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer fundraiser and walk, she wanted to do more. She bought a few yards of Cuddle® fabrics and got to work. She was able to make eight pillows out of every yard and kept going until she had made more than 50.

With each one, she printed out a note to explain her motivation, then gathered them up and brought them to St. Vincent’s Hospital in Portland, Oregon. Jennifer suggests to reach out ahead of time, as she did, to your local hospital to make sure the donations will be accepted.

I love this idea and wanted to share with you because even when you don’t have someone specific that you need to sew for, you can share your talents with strangers that do. If we all work together, we can combat breast cancer and the toll that it takes on men and women.
You can find the pattern we created for Sew Together Tuesday here: Mastectomy Pillow Pattern and the tutorial video here: Mastectomy Pillow Tutorial You can also use my tutorial for the ByAnnie Bosom Buddy made with Cuddle® if you want to add a little something extra.
The #SewPink Initiative was created by LLC to raise awareness for breast cancer throughout the year. Our efforts culminate in an annual blog hop during October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month to promote self-care, awareness, early detection and support for those affected by breast cancer. To learn more and see the calendar of events visit:
To find screenings available near you:
This year we are again joining forces with Fat Quarter Shop to promote a fundraiser. Their goal of raising $20,000 to donate to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. will match every dollar raised on the #SewPINK fundraising page.
Make sure to check out everyone’s blog posts this month for lots of ideas and inspiration:
✂ Oct. 1 Kick off
✂ Oct. 3 : Emmaline Bags
✂ Oct. 4: Hugs ‘N Kisses
✂ Oct. 5: Clover and Violet
✂ Oct. 6: Fat Quarter Shop and the Jolly Jabber
✂ Oct. 7: Sewfinity
✂ Oct. 10: Teresa Coates & Shannon Fabrics
✂ Oct. 11:Beyond the Reef
✂ Oct. 12: Sallie Tomato
✂ Oct. 13: Suzn Quilts
✂ Oct. 17: Snuggles Quilts
✂ Oct. 20: Pat Sloan
✂ Oct. 21: Knot and Thread Design
✂ Oct.23: Sookie Sews
✂ Oct. 24: Mister Domestic
✂ Oct. 26: A Bright Corner
✂ Oct. 27: Sew Cute and Quirky
✂ Oct. 1 : Final Wrap Up
Happy sewing!

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