Sew Together Tuesday: Apparel Sewing with Cuddle®

I earned a lot of my sewing chops by sewing garments, so when we got a request to do a Sew Together Tuesday about using Cuddle® for clothing, I was down for it, but I knew I’d want some help. I reached out to Bianca at Thanks, I Made Them and Ajaire from Call Ajaire to see if they’d join me to talk all about the patterns, fabrics and sewing techniques they’ve used. They both agreed and yesterday we had the joy of sitting down for an hour-long chit chat for Sew Together Tuesday.

It was great to talk about all the garments that can be made with the fabric thanks to the wide variety of looks, textures, and stretch. We showed a bunch more projects in the video, but here are a few of my favorites:

Lined Open Front Coat (Butterick 6382) made by me and modeled by my daughter
Unlined Cocoon Jacket (Simplicity S8740 ) made and modeled by Bianca Springer of Thanks, I Made Them
Mackinaw Coat from Designs by Call Ajaire and made by Ajaire Parello

If you’ve wondered if it was possible, it is! Check out the conversation in the video and visit the Shannon Fabrics blog for a PDF download with all the tips and patterns we recommend.

Now, I need to get started taking apart the Toaster Sweater (Sew House Seven) I showed during STT so I can sew it the right way and wear it!

Happy sewing!

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