synopsizing is hard

So I’ve spent two days trying to coalesce the major events and themes of my book into a readable synopsis and still I’m so unhappy with it. There are bits that I think are good, but things that I know are not quite right and it’s killing me. There are so many bits and pieces of what I wanted to do/prove/be by going on our adventure and I’m having a difficult time narrowing it down. There’s the whole theme of single parenting, lost love, seeking adventure, finding home, shifting life paths, and understanding what it really means to love. There’s more, too, like international adoption and colonialism and classism and too much to include. But I keep trying.

The next three days are pure writing, editing, figuring out some sort of plan for this monster so I can get it finished without getting too much more unwieldy. Hopefully I’ll come back to town with a well-written synopsis, a complete story outline and even some chapters written. Here’s to some hard work…

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